Sunday, November 20, 2011

Full framed???

ok, i havent blog for a long time. havent got much time to. but now that i'm back in tawau for a few days. i manage to find some random things to blog about.

1st of all, some of you probably know that i've been shooting for about 8 years now. and before my d700, i use my dad's d200 to shoot.

you see, many people say gear is all that's important in photography. and i actually partially agree. but one cant rely on tech only. 

if i were to give a percentage. i would say 70%, 28% and 2%. 70% is knowledge. 28% is gear. and 2% luck. yes, you need a lil luck for good photography. sometimes, somethings happen in a split sec. and its a matter of luck whether you had your finger on the trigger to catch that moment. and yes, i think skills and knowledge is more important than gear and tech. (although some may disagree)

I am using a d700 currently. but compared to many of my friends using d700. my photo output is far far behind some of them. i would say i my gear is above average. but skills... still got alot alot aloooooot to learn. 

but after so many years of photography, i think the best camera is your camera. the camera you have been using all along. this is cause you know in what conditions your camera perform well. and in what conditions it does not.

that's the key, getting to know your camera. if your camera is old and has bad iso performance, than learn to take old school pics, play around with the noise, try b&w pics or serpia. there is not one good all rounder camera out there. canon, nikon, sony, olympus, even leica have pros and cons....

just get to know your camera.

if you can think like your camera's processor, you'll know how to handle it. 
and make the most out of it.

below is 2 pics, one shot with d200 with 17-55mm dx lens. the other d700, 24-70mm fx.
can you tell which is which?

ps. both unedited besides cropping.

