Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Holidays- part 2- Malaga

ok... wait... i shouldn't start with ok... cause i remember someone complaint to me that i always start my blog with 'ok'....haha....ok.. lets start again....

hello everyone! :) .... first of all i would like to explain something... this winter... besides just randomly taking photos... i was trying to self teach myself to further improve my photography skills... and i just wanted to learn something very specific.. its called 'white balance' (WB)... some of u will know what im talking about... its something to do with how "warm" and "cold" the picture is.. (no, when i say cold i dont mean lame)...

most of the cameras nowadays allow you to choose your own white balance.. some of them will have a cute icon of either a sun, florescent light, clouds, shadow.... etc etc... .... if u dont know what im on about... than skip this part and scroll down.. ok, my camera... there's this WB setting known as "K"... yes... just one letter K as for kelvin.. nono.... its not someone's name... it is the SI unit for temperature... we usually use Celsius..... but basically, this function allows u to choose the exact temperature u want the picture to be... so for example, instead of putting the setting on 'cloud' on a cloudy day and asking the cam to auto set a warm setting for u.... i'll put "K".. and adjust the temperature to bout 5000K or 6120K... something like that........ and yes....! and the million dollar question... how u know what temperature to put??? well... easy! trail and error... so u can see from my pictures bellow... some of the WB of the pics are abit funny... its because of trail and error.... there's alot to talk about WB... but i wont bored u guys here.... but i'll give u some tips on manual WB adjustments if u ask me...

ok, back to the post!!

this is actually the first place we landed in spain.. u guys remember few post ago i posted an 'unedited' sunrise pic... well, this is the same plane ride.... after i took the sunrise pic.... the clouds from here just looked pretty... because... if u see properly.... before the major 'blanket of clouds'.. there literally weren't any...

.. this place Malaga is actually a very big city.... the place we stayed, Benalmadena (refer to previous post) is just 20mins drive away from Malaga... (or 30mins if my dad's driving... :S) lol.....

trust me... its much nicer if u can see it for yourselves....

this is just some random church we pass by...

this is the main street of malaga.... alot alot of shops... etc...

i just love this tree...

hhaha.... my whole family was like 'who on earth is picasso??'... apparently he was a very very famous painter in Spain and even France... cant blame me for not knowing.... im not into those kind of thing.....

this kinda of orange trees are all over the place.... i swear i've never seen oranges that big.....

hahaha..... cool aye???! nothing better than eating under your dinner. ;p

amazingly... this was actually found the last few years by accident.... lol... and its in the middle of the city... O.O

this is suppose to be some queen's castle or something like that.... honestly.... not impressed.... >.<

posers.... lol...

and that was what i asked!!!! why on earth are u hiding a statue behind a fence... in a hole???? well.......

errr.... yeaa...............

this.... i just thought was funny.... cause i nearly slipped as i was taking this pic.... haha...

a biggg deep drain???????

nope!!!!!!! its a prison..... apparently.... this queen had alot of enemies i must say... cause there are holes like this all around the castle... even in the garden!!

hahaha,.... ya... like i would want to drink from this.!!

my mum said this would be her ideal bath tub.!.... lol..... i dont know about that..... :s

and Samson push down the pillars and the temple was destroyed.!!!....

err... no?

cool aye.... toilets in the queen's palace are unisex!! doggey.!!

lol.... i wish......

ok.... this is easily one of the biggest cathedral i've been in... (and trust me... i've been in quite a few...)

its so big.... that even i stand at the furthest point visible to the church... i couldnt even get a picture with everything in it.....

this again is definitely the biggest pipe organ i've seen..... and trust me... i've seen quite a few.... this is just one side.... there is another side behind....

haha..... failed!!!!!! >.<

this was the only way i could get the whole church in one pic.... lol

better than nothing i guess.....

ok... there's along story to why is this bell here.... basically, there were suppose to be two main tower to the church.... one of them wasnt completed due to the muslim taking over the town while the church was being built... and so.... this bell was suppose to go up the unfinished tower.... but they never continue building after the christians took over again.... -something like that anyway.....

dont ask.....

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